Thursday, October 7, 2021

Phd thesis on medicinal plants

Phd thesis on medicinal plants

phd thesis on medicinal plants

It is certified that PhD Thesis titled Pharmacognostic, Phytochemical and Psychopharmacological evaluation of Oldenlandia corymbosa and Grangea maderaspatana by Tanvi D. Patel has been examined by us. We undertake the following: a. Thesis has significant new work / knowledge as compared already published or areMissing: medicinal plants AN ETHNOBOTANICAL STUDY OF MEDICINAL PLANTS IN SERU WEREDA, ARSI ZONE OF OROMIA Mengistu Gebrehiwot A Thesis Submitted to School of Graduate Studies Addis Ababa University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Biology (Botanical Science) October, File Size: 2MB Dec 17,  · In Uganda, many people rely on traditional healers and medicinal plants for their health needs including managing wounds. To date no studies have been published regarding the local Ugandan practice of the use of medicinal plants for wound healing. This study was undertaken to document Ugandan local knowledge of wound healing, the preparation, Author: Patience Amooti Muwanguzi

Phd Thesis On Medicinal Plants

Muwanguzi, Patience Amooti Plants and wound healing in Uganda: A mixed methods study. PhD thesis, phd thesis on medicinal plants, University of Leeds. In Uganda, phd thesis on medicinal plants, many people rely on traditional healers and medicinal plants for their health needs including managing wounds.

To date no studies have been published regarding the local Ugandan practice of the use of medicinal plants for wound healing. This study was undertaken phd thesis on medicinal plants document Ugandan local knowledge of wound healing, the preparation, administration and identification of local medicinal plants.

The mixed methods study comprised three phases: 1. A literature review of the existing literature on plants and wound healing employing systematic techniques. Fieldwork where forty consenting traditional practitioners and local knowledge experts in South Western Uganda were interviewed about their knowledge of wound healing and participated in quantitative surveys regarding medicinal plant use. The interviews and surveys yielded knowledge of wound healing and a list of plants used from which three were selected for relevant phytochemical assays in the laboratory work phase.

The literature review found nine studies that reported on the use of medicinal plants for wound healing in Uganda. The interviews provided data which demonstrated that respondents possessed knowledge of the definition, classification, and diagnosis of wounds. The ethnobotanical survey revealed 38 plants as being important for treatment of wounds.

The most represented families were Asteraceae and Microglossa pyrifolia Lam. Kuntze were the most widely used. Preliminary phytochemical screening confirmed the extraction efficiency through presence of polyphenol and flavonoid compounds and demonstrated antioxidant activity of the plant extract. Ultimately, this thesis uses the mixed methods approach to gain a fuller and more complete understanding of the research questions. It also demonstrates evidence for the use of selected medicinal plants for wound healing in South Western Uganda and gives a description of the category of professionals involved in traditional medicine using medicinal plants.

Filename: Patience Amooti Muwanguzi ethesis September You do not need to contact us to get a copy of this thesis. Please use the 'Download' link s above to get a copy. You can contact us about this thesis.

If you need to make a general enquiry, please see the Phd thesis on medicinal plants us page. Plants and wound healing in Uganda: A mixed methods study. Abstract In Uganda, many people rely on traditional healers and medicinal plants for their health needs including managing wounds. Download Patience Amooti Muwanguzi ethesis September pdf Licence: Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike UK.

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phd thesis on medicinal plants

Dec 17,  · In Uganda, many people rely on traditional healers and medicinal plants for their health needs including managing wounds. To date no studies have been published regarding the local Ugandan practice of the use of medicinal plants for wound healing. This study was undertaken to document Ugandan local knowledge of wound healing, the preparation, Author: Patience Amooti Muwanguzi medicinal plants and antibacterial test of selected medicinal plants in dera district, south gondar zone, a thesis submitted to college of scince, bahir dar university, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for of the requirements for the degree of master of science in biology (botanical science) superviser: getahun yemata (phd) co Newcastle University Faculty of Medical Sciences Graduate School. Pharmacognosy has previously made a very valuable contribution to the discovery of new medicinal agents and indeed, plants still remain a remarkable natural resource. Read more. Supervisors: Dr I Obara, Dr M Ashton. Year round applications PhD Research Project Self-Funded PhD

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