these findings. First, the sample size was small. Out of incoming students who were invited to participate, only 32 students completed the pre- and post- anxiety inventory. With. Introduce your reader to the title of the article, I. nclude a thesis statement. Provide a brief summary. of the article in your own words. Begin the blogger.com Size: KB Sample APA Papers: Literature Review This section offers a sample literature review, written by an undergraduate psychology student at Purdue University. Since it's a real paper written by a real student, we haven't corrected the student's errors, but have instead Here's an example of a good summary from Mizuki's paper: Original Despite decades of research into the sociocultural model of eating disorders, we still do not understand how such sociocultural influences produce disordered eating in any given individual (or why a similar person in the same cultural milieu does not become disordered)
Writing a Summary Paper in APA Style | The Classroom
Article Chosen: Statistical Analysis: An Analysis of Traffic Deaths Ross The objective The objectives of a study refers to the statement of purpose for which the investigation is conducted. The objectives should be smart and written in a simple language in order that an investigator can easily measure these objectives by the use of simple apparatus Utts, apa article summary example, The article selected for my review is An Analysis of Traffic Deaths by Ross The objective of the chosen study, and which fit the characteristics of good research objectives, is to compare the risk of deaths from traffic accidents depending on the vehicle and model of the car for example, car class, van, apa article summary example, SUV, or pickup truck involved in the accident Ross, apa article summary example, Objectives indicate the variables under study, apa article summary example.
In Ross 's article, the variables are risk and apa article summary example type of vehicle. Risk, which is determined by the risk exposed to the driver of the apa article summary example model under study in all types of clashes combined with the risk to the other driver involved in the crashes, is a response variable, apa article summary example.
Ross measures the is as the number of driver deaths per million vehicles bought. A response variable, also called predicted variable, is that which the study aims to predict by altering the values of the treatment variable. The treatment variable on the other hand is a type of explanatory variable that the investigators manipulate to look at the effect on the response variable. The treatment variable of the study is the type of vehicle. Population Choosing the study size of the study population sample size is one of the most important steps in conducting a study.
This is because the researcher use the sample to draw inferences and generalizations about the entire population since studying the whole population is not always possible, but at times impractical, apa article summary example. The population from which one or more samples is drawn is referred to as the parent population, which is the theoretically accessible population from which one or more samples to be used in a study is drawn Utts, The parent population for Ross 's study is the total number of vehicles sold in the country from to This includes all the vehicles types and models for example, car class, van, SUV, or pickup truck.
The authors make the assumption that different models of vehicle present different levels of risks measured by driver deathsin contrast to earlier studies that assumed that the risk depends on the weight of the vehicle Ross, I agree with these assumptions because different models and types of cars poses different levels of risk to both the driver and the passangers. Sample: To arrive at the sample for the study, the authors use clustered sampling method.
The clusters were based on Consumer Guide for Automobiles where are put into four clusters namely, subcompact, Compact, midsize and large which apa article summary example on the car's interior space. Interior space is important as it indicates apa article summary example number of people at risk of death if the car crashes Ross, Then the authors select the sample from this cluster based on the popularity.
Cars are classified as "popular" models if they exceeded a total sale of 70, from to and also showed constant sales during the years under study. All the models that passed the test were used as the sample size. Since the researcher disqualifies some models, they create a non-random sample that is based on the number of sales.
The researcher therefore also violates the principle of sampling independence Utts, The models selected for the study are the popular model those models whose sales exceeded 70, from to and showed constant sales during the years under study.
The risk of the model is determined by the number of deaths resulting from crashes recorded by motor vehicle sellers between and The authors get the data from the Fatality Analysis Reporting System produced annually by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration every year. Risk is the dependent variable of the study while the to model of car is the independent variable. Risk as used in the study is a continuous variable since its expressed as the number of driver deaths that results from crashes Apa article summary example, Graphical Displays and Tables:.
Graphical data greatly improves the perception, absorption and retention of information presented in them. Due to this, they are popular in presentation of quantitative data. Tables are designed to display data in methodical patterns are are most effective in presenting data sets. Graphs and charts on the other hand present quantitative information in the form of visual patterns and helps the reader to focus on points of interest from a single collection of information.
Study relate to The table used in the extensively in the study to summarize quantitative data on the different classes and models of vehicle within the parent, the risks deaths recorded in during the years under observation, the average number of accidents for different models, apa article summary example. On the other hand, they utilize graphs to record apa article summary example risks of different models of cars and make comparisons of the risks between different types of cars.
These visual aids have been used effectively to reply all this information which would otherwise be too bulky if given as plain text and figure. They also help show the relationships among different variable and are thus related to the objectives of the study.
Study Type and Analyses: The main analysis method used in this study is averages. The authors employ this method to find the average deaths of the model car under investigation and those of the other car's drive.
These averages are derived from data collected by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, which includes fatal highway crash, with information on some variable for each car model based on the annual sales as reported by vehicle manufacturers. Interpretation: The statistical mean is derived from adding two values together then dividing the total by two. The two variable in the study is that of the number of deaths by drivers of the model involved in the crash and that of the total deaths of the other car's driver.
The average from the two is used apa article summary example calculate the risk involved in driving a certain model both for the driver of that model and other road users. This is because, some models result to on average more deaths per crash than others do. Johnson, R. Stat 2 with Review Cards and Statistics Coursemate Printed Access Card. New York: Cengage Learning. Ross, M. AN ANALYSIS OF TRAFFIC DEATHS.
Michigan: University of Michigan. Utts, J. Seeing Through Statistics. Sample APA Article Review Article Chosen: Statistical Analysis: An Analysis of Traffic Deaths Ross The objective, apa article summary example. SELL YOUR OLD PAPERS, apa article summary example. Recent Posts Life Of Pi Summary 0 Comments The Prince Summary 0 Comments The Water Dancer Summary 0 Comments. Categories Academic Writing 23 Admission Essay Book Summaries 49 College Tips Content Writing Services 1 Essay Help Essay Writing Help 76 Essays Blog 0 Example 26 Infographics 2 Outlines Photo Essay Assignment 4 Resume Writing Tips 62 Samples Essays Writing Jobs 2.
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Sample APA Papers: Literature Review This section offers a sample literature review, written by an undergraduate psychology student at Purdue University. Since it's a real paper written by a real student, we haven't corrected the student's errors, but have instead The article selected for my review is An Analysis of Traffic Deaths by Ross (). The objective of the chosen study, and which fit the characteristics of good research objectives, is to compare the risk of deaths from traffic accidents depending on the vehicle and model of the car (for example, car class, van, SUV, or pickup truck) involved these findings. First, the sample size was small. Out of incoming students who were invited to participate, only 32 students completed the pre- and post- anxiety inventory. With. Introduce your reader to the title of the article, I. nclude a thesis statement. Provide a brief summary. of the article in your own words. Begin the blogger.com Size: KB
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