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Anthropology research paper example

Anthropology research paper example

anthropology research paper example

Jan 05,  · THE CITATION FORMAT OF ANTHROPOLOGY PAPERS Return to contents The seven magical rules of term paper writing apply to all research papers. But anthropology term papers are different from papers you may have written for other courses, or for a writing class. Anthropology, like sociology and psychology, uses a distinctive citation format More Anthropology Research Paper Examples: Anthropology Research Paper. Agency and Practice Theory Research Paper; Ancient Civilizations Research Paper; Anthropology of Africa Research Paper; Anthropology of Amazonia Research Paper; Anthropology of India Research Paper; Anthropology of Polynesia Research Paper; Australian Aborigines Research Paper With the right anthropology paper format, anthropology research topics, and anthropology research paper examples, you’re set to go! If you’re a big fan of doing lots of things in a short time and with fewer efforts, then you’re in the right place. This guide is full of the

Anthropology – The Writing Center • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

This sample applied anthropology research paper features: words approx, anthropology research paper example. Browse other research paper examples for more inspiration. If you need a thorough research paper written according to anthropology research paper example the academic standards, you can always turn to our experienced writers for help, anthropology research paper example. This is how your paper can get an A! Feel free to contact our writing service for professional assistance.

We offer high-quality assignments for reasonable rates. This research paper explores the subject of applied anthropology. It was found to be most productive to do this from a historical perspective in order to see the formation of the discipline from its earliest, inchoate form to its current state, anthropology research paper example.

This method lends a processual understanding of how applied anthropology arrived at the state in which it is found in early 21stcentury anthropology. The paper commences with a brief definition of applied anthropology in both its broader and more restrictive senses. What follows then is an examination of the origins of applied anthropology within the matrix of anthropology, generally, in anthropology research paper example 19th century.

The early history of the discipline through the anthropology research paper example War II, or midth century, era is explored in the next section. The midth-century era was dominated by three subjects: the Fox Project, the Peru Vicos Project, and Project Camelot, which is treated separately. The section on the later 20th century leads into applied anthropology today, anthropology research paper example, which is followed by a section on areas for future research.

Applied anthropology, in its broader sense, is distinguished primarily from academic anthropology as anthropological methods and data put to use outside of the classroom. This is not to say that all anthropological methods and data put to use outside of the classroom is applied anthropology; field research also is anthropological methods and data put to use outside of the classroom, but it can be used for academic purposes, as well as for practical application.

Applied anthropology is used to solve practical problems outside of the academic world, and it has appeared under such names as action anthropology, development anthropology, practicing anthropology, and advocacy anthropology among others. In its narrower sense, anthropology research paper example, applied anthropology is distinguished from practicing anthropology, anthropology research paper example.

Practicing anthropology is the application of anthropology strictly outside of academia by nonacademics; applied anthropology can anthropology research paper example practiced outside of academia or within academia by academics. To some, the differences are considered to be minimal, but to others they are of great importance. Early in the 19th century, anthropology was a religious philosophy that examined how to view the place of humans in the cosmos.

This began to change by the midth century, anthropology research paper example people who were to become the founders of what is called anthropology today began to look at the more earthly nature of humanity.

One of these individuals was Lewis Henry Morgan. Morgan, who was an attorney, began to work with the Anthropology research paper example in the s on legal issues involving railroad right of ways. This may have been one of the first, if not the first, application of the nascent but as yet still inchoate discipline.

James Hunt, who founded the Anthropological Society of London, began to use the term practical anthropology by the s, and inthe Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland this was later to be titled the Royal Anthropological Institute was formed. In North America, the federal government formed the Bureau of American Ethnology BAE under John Wesley Powell in order to perform research that was intended to guide government policy toward Native Americans, and inPowell dispatched Frank Hamilton Cushing to the Zuñi pueblo to perform some of the first anthropological field research.

Bythe BAE had hired anthropologist James Mooney to research a revitalization movement, the ghost dance.

Boas developed a lifelong hatred of racism arising from anti-Semitic experiences he had had in school in Germany. This led him to attempt to dispel the prevailing racist notions of the day in anthropology. From toBoas applied anthropometry to disprove a basic racist assumption: Cranial shape was a factor of race.

To accomplish this, he measured the heads of Jewish immigrants in New York City ghettos. Presumably, anthropology research paper example, they were members of the dolichocephalic longheaded Mediterranean race, anthropology research paper example, and indeed, the immigrants tended to fit that pattern. However, their children, born in America, were members of the brachicephalic roundheaded Alpine race.

Apparently, they had changed race within one generation of having moved to America. Boas explained this anomaly as being the product of different diets between the parents and their children during their growth years and not the result of race at all. The most famous of these cases, both within and outside of anthropology, is the story of Ishi, the last member of the California Yahi tribe, whom Kroeber brought to Berkeley to serve as the key respondent from a vanished people.

InKroeber applied anthropological techniques to discover the rapprochement between fashion and economic cycles in his hem-length study. In Europe, it was common during this time for anthropologists to seek employment in colonial governments: Anthropologists from the Netherlands were employed by their government to provide ethnographic data on its Indonesian colony; Northcote Thomas used anthropology to aid in administrating the British colony in Nigeria; and Alfred Reginald Radcliffe-Brown served as director of education on Tonga.

Somewhat later, in the s, Edward Evan Evans-Pritchardin the employment of the government of anthropology research paper example Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, spent several research anthropology research paper example among the Nuer to determine why they did not consider it necessary to uphold their treaty with the British government, among other projects. Bronislaw Malinowski himself, had coined the term practicing anthropology for nonacademic anthropology.

InPresident Franklin Delano Roosevelt appointed the anthropologist John Collier to Commissioner of the Bureau of Indian Affairs BIA, anthropology research paper example.

Collier then employed fellow anthropologists Julian Steward, Clyde Kluckhohn, and others in the applied anthropology office to investigate Native American cultures and to counsel the BIA in regard to the Indian Reorganization Act. The anthropologists served as intermediaries between the BIA and Native Americans during the drawing of tribal constitutions and charters. Lloyd Warner was hired by the Western Electric Company to study worker productivity in its bank-wiring facility, anthropology research paper example.

The s brought about the efflorescence of the field anthropology research paper example the founding of the Society for Applied Anthropology SfAA by Margaret Mead, Conrad Arensberg, and Eliot Chapple.

They published the journal Applied Anthropology to counter what they saw as academic bias against practical, nontheoretical work. Inthe name of the journal was changed to Human Organization, and the SfAA code of ethics was created. Despite this, Melville Herskovits taught in the late s that applied anthropology was racist and should not be practiced, according to one of his former students.

Today, a variety of organizations specialize in applied anthropology, anthropology research paper example. The Consortium of Practicing and Applied Anthropology Programs COPAAchaired by Linda A.

Bennett of the University of Memphis, lists and gives a brief description of some of these organizations on its Web site, including the COPAA, anthropology research paper example, the SfAA, and the National Association for the Practice of Anthropology within the American Anthropological Association. The COPAA also lists regional organizations, which include the Washington Association of Professional Anthropologists; the High Plains Society for Applied Anthropology; the Chicago Association for Practicing Anthropologists; the Sun Coast Organization of Practicing Anthropologists; the California Alliance anthropology research paper example Local Practitioner Organizations that embraces the Southern California Applied Anthropology Network, the Bay Area Association of Practicing Anthropologists, and the Central Valley Applied Anthropology Network; and the Mid-South Association of Professional Anthropologists.

It was during World War II that Margaret Mead headed a group of anthropologists who served in the Office of Strategic Services. In addition to Mead, Ruth Benedict, Ralph Linton, Julian Steward, and Clyde Kluckhohn, among others including such interdisciplinary notables as Erik Eriksonworked on the Committee on Food Habits, the Culture at a Distance national character project, the War Relocation Authority, and others, in order to aid in the U.

war effort. Following the war, anthropologists also worked for the U, anthropology research paper example. In the late s, Sol Tax of the University of Chicago wanted to develop a program that would give field experience to anthropology research paper example students.

Although they tried to become involved in the amelioration of the acculturative process, they had no authority to do so. University of Iowa students joined the University of Chicago group, and together they created anthropology research paper example Fox Indian Educational Program and began the Tama Indian Crafts industry, anthropology research paper example. Project Camelot had the potential to be a low point in the application of anthropology in the late 20th century.

In Decemberthe Office of the Director of the Special Operations Research Office of the American University in Washington, D. The program extensively would employ anthropological fieldworkers in government research for 3 to 4 years. In theory, it was a project that was intended to develop a systems model that would enable the prediction of social changes that in turn could develop into political movements in third world nations that might threaten anthropology research paper example United States—specifically in Latin American countries where a field office was planned but with plans to expand globally.

Its objectives were to formulate means to predict civil wars and revolutions; to identify means to prevent civil wars, insurgency, and counterinsurgency movements in particular societies; and to develop a system of field methods to collect the information to accomplish the two previous objectives, anthropology research paper example.

A more horrific potential outcome to the field ethnographers was the possible executions of their field respondents. In response to the outcry from the social science community, Project Camelot was cancelled in July Nonetheless, not all social scientists found Project Camelot to be totally objectionable.

Beyond the satisfaction of the obvious and never-ending quest for research funding, which it would have provided, albeit from sources that are suspect to many in the academic community, there is the less obvious appeal of ethnography finally having some input into government international policy, anthropology research paper example that had been called for over decades, anthropology research paper example. Likewise, many anthropologists in that era had gotten their starts in the military by having had their first international experiences during the second World War and their educations financed by the government issue, or GI, Bill.

Rather, it was the possible outcomes of their research that convinced the community to object to Project Camelot. James P, anthropology research paper example. It was published as You Owe Yourself a Drunk: An Ethnography of Urban Nomads in InGeorge Foster wrote the first textbook on development and change agency, Applied Anthropology, in which he cited changes in human behavior as a primary goal in order to solve social, economic, and technological problems.

He followed this up in with Traditional Societies and Technological Change. Inthe University of South Florida began the first master of arts degree program to focus specifically on training students for careers in applied anthropology. The options available to those students form a wide range of topics that define applied anthropology.

Among them are archaeology, Cultural Resource Management, economic development, educational anthropology, immigration, medical anthropology, race, gender, ethnicity, and urban policy and community development. Among the reasons for such theoretical breadth is the realization that many master of arts students do not choose to pursue a doctor of philosophy degree, and this curriculum, then, qualifies them to work in specialized professions outside of academia. The reader will note that work outside of academia is known as practicing anthropology, and in the University of South Florida first published the journal Practicing Anthropology.

COPAA lists member programs on its Web site for those interested in pursuing a anthropology research paper example in applied anthropology. The Web site notes that there are other programs that are not currently COPAA members.

Among the universities in consortium are the University of Alaska, Anchorage; American University; University of Arizona; California State University, East Bay; California State University, Long Beach; University of Florida, Gainesville; The George Washington University; University of Georgia; Georgia State University; Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis; University of Kentucky; University of Maryland; University of Memphis; Mississippi State University; Montclair State University; University of North Carolina at Greensboro; University of North Texas; Northern Arizona University; Oregon State University; Santa Clara University; San Jose State University; the University of South Florida; the University of Texas at San Antonio; and Wayne State University.

The first doctoral program in applied anthropology was begun at the University of South Florida USF in Although the master of arts curriculum had been intended for nonacademic professions, the PhD curriculum trained students for university careers, as well as for practicing anthropology. In the s and s, Napoleon Chagnon and James Neel conducted genetics research for the American Atomic Energy Commission in an ethnographic setting.

Chagnon was the ethnographer, anthropology research paper example, and Neel was the geneticist, anthropology research paper example.

Their work was designed to determine the effects of the forces of evolution such as the founder effect on small populations in order to determine how genes might affect survival following a nuclear destruction of modern civilization. Their research took them to the Orinoco River basin in southeastern Venezuela where they established contact and conducted research among the Yanomamo, an isolated, horticultural, anthropology research paper example, tribal society.

From its very early days, the project was heavily documented on film, and their classic documentary, The Yanomamo: A Multidisciplinary Study, became a standard in both cultural and physical anthropology classrooms. In the film, Chagnon and Neal become aware of a measles epidemic sweeping up the Orinoco Basin toward the Yanomamo. They acquire a vaccine that contains a weakened strain of the live virus and conduct mass inoculations of the Yanomamo against measles.

Tierney claimed that Chagnon and Neel had been conducting Josef Mengele-like genetics experiments on the Yanomamo by injecting them with the live measles virus to see who would live and who would die—not, as shown in the documentary, to protect them from an epidemic.

The author of this chapter recalls sweeping condemnations of Chagnon and Neel from the anthropological community on several Internet electronic mailing lists originating throughout the United States at that time based on Darkness in El Dorado— although the book had not yet been released. By that time, Neel was dead, and although Chagnon was retired, he filed a lawsuit against Tierney in which he and Neel eventually were vindicated.

Across the Atlantic, anthropologists and other social scientists began to influence government policies in the Republic of Ireland in the late s, according to Thomas Wilson and Hastings Donnan, via what are called the economic and social partnerships with government. Anthropologists also have been called on more recently in Ireland to assist the government with ethnic minority issues, especially anthropology research paper example of the indigenous minority, the travelling community.

Much of the new material centers around cultural miscues that corporations and individuals make in advertising— physical gestures, slang, and so on—when acting crossculturally e. Other businessoriented approaches fall more along the lines of the Western Electric bank-wiring study noted above conducted by W.

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Guide to writing anthro papers

anthropology research paper example

Mar 25,  · Turn to other samples of works like Nursing Paper, English papers, cultural anthropology research paper to come up with some ideas for anthropology research paper. You may also look through some ready-made topics, for example, from physical anthropology research paper topics, it will direct you towards the topic of your own With the right anthropology paper format, anthropology research topics, and anthropology research paper examples, you’re set to go! If you’re a big fan of doing lots of things in a short time and with fewer efforts, then you’re in the right place. This guide is full of the Another common type of research and writing activity in anthropology is the ethnographic assignment. Your anthropology instructor might expect you to engage in a semester-long ethnographic project or something shorter and less involved (for example, a two-week mini-ethnography)

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