Wednesday, April 21, 2021

A journey by bus short paragraph

A journey by bus short paragraph

a journey by bus short paragraph

Outline for A Journey by Bus. the bus journey is most common now; a bus journey which I cannot easily forget; traveled from Lahore to Rawalpindi by the GT Road; some happening on the way and passage through some cities; at last, arrived in “Some bus journeys stick to our minds forever.” Last month, I travelled from Lahore to Rawalpindi by bus The Journey was not long. It was quite short. By now our bus reached Pant Hospital. Here many people got down. Many others boarded the bus. As usual the bus moved on. An old lady began to feel giddy. She requested a young man to provide her his seat. The proudy young man refused flatly. This was very bad. We should show respect to ladies A Journey by Bus Essay: Short Essay for Children A few days ago I visited Agra from Delhi. It was a journey by bus. One of the friends stays in Agra and he was inviting me constantly to visit his place. Finally, I decided to visit and book a bus ticket there. I will remember A Journey by Bus Essay Words for Kids Read More»

Short Essay on A Journey by Bus - The College Study

Last month, I travelled from Lahore to Rawalpindi by bus. It was at ten on an August morning when I boarded the express bus. The weather was rather hot, and I wanted the bus to start at once to have a feel of the wind hitting me through the windows.

That is why I got a seat close to the window behind the driver. I placed my small suitcase under my seat.

The conductor tried to pack the bus with as many passengers as possible. It was half past ten when the bus started. I was in a very happy mood thinking of the time when I would be in Rawalpindi with my sister.

I was making plans of visiting different relations there, and of going to Islamabad. The bus stopped at the Ravi Bridge where the conductor paid the toll tax for crossing it. After an hour or so, the bus reached Gujranwala. I desired to go out as I was feeling a little tired. Inside it was a little hot also. I went to the refreshment room of the bus-stand and took a cold drink.

Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email, a journey by bus short paragraph. Email Address. When I returned, I found a boy sitting close to my seat.

He greeted me like a friend. I asked him who he was and where a journey by bus short paragraph was going. He replied that he was a college student and lived in Gujranwala and was going to Rawalpindi.

His name was Nasim. I also introduced myself to him. Now the bus journey became more pleasant as I could talk frankly to a student of my age. We discussed our studies and plans. Now the bus was approaching Gujrat.

We decided to have our lunch at the bus-stand. So when the bus stopped, a journey by bus short paragraph, we got off and had some food and tea. As we a journey by bus short paragraph walking to the bus, we saw some persons running after a young man. They soon caught the man who had a knife in his left hand. The pickpocket was handed over to the police. Now the bus was running quite fast to make up for make good the time lost on the way.

I asked the driver to drive carefully and a little slowly. But he asked me to keep quiet and not to disturb him. It will be an incomplete essay if I do not write about the atmosphere in the bus itself. It was not clean inside. It was not air-conditioned like many other buses.

But the behaviour of the conductor, cleaner and driver towards the passengers was friendly and hospitable. The passengers themselves were mostly co-operative with each other and with the bus staff. The cries of the small children with their mothers, however, were quite disturbing. At times, a journey by bus short paragraph, the film songs, played on the DVD-recorder were in very loud tones, and some passengers had the tones lowered. It was past 6 in the evening when the bus reached Rawalpindi.

We got off thanking our stars that we had reached safely. An email was just sent to confirm your subscription. Please find the email and click 'Confirm Follow' to start subscribing.

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Write an essay on 'BUS JOURNEY' (155 words)

, time: 8:34

a journey by bus short paragraph

Outline for A Journey by Bus. the bus journey is most common now; a bus journey which I cannot easily forget; traveled from Lahore to Rawalpindi by the GT Road; some happening on the way and passage through some cities; at last, arrived in “Some bus journeys stick to our minds forever.” Last month, I travelled from Lahore to Rawalpindi by bus The Journey was not long. It was quite short. By now our bus reached Pant Hospital. Here many people got down. Many others boarded the bus. As usual the bus moved on. An old lady began to feel giddy. She requested a young man to provide her his seat. The proudy young man refused flatly. This was very bad. We should show respect to ladies A Journey by Bus Essay: Short Essay for Children A few days ago I visited Agra from Delhi. It was a journey by bus. One of the friends stays in Agra and he was inviting me constantly to visit his place. Finally, I decided to visit and book a bus ticket there. I will remember A Journey by Bus Essay Words for Kids Read More»

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